Our Products

RFT Seasnake

The Sewer Line Rapid Assessment Tool, or SL-RAT®, is a highly portable onsite assessment tool for quickly detecting blockage conditions in gravity-fed sewers. SL-RAT now enables wastewater utility operators to economically use a Condition-Based Maintenance strategy to improve SSO performance while using less resources.

The SL-RAT is composed of two components– the Transmitter (TX) and the Receiver (RX). Each SL-RAT device is sold or leased as a pair – with the TX providing the active acoustic transmission through the pipe and RX “listening” for the blockage and processing the blockage assessment result.


  • SL-RAT® is tuned for use in 6 -30″ (150mm-750mm) diameter unpressurized collection pipe
  • Designed to operate in pipes with lateral connections, even in residential areas
  • Ability to run tests to depths of 35 feet (12 meters) with no loss in measurement quality
  • Designed to be used outdoors in the rain 
  • Rated for operation from 0 to 140° F (-18 to 60° C)


  • Inspect 10,000 to 20,000 feet per day
  • Provides assessment in 3 minutes or less
  • No flow contact; no confined space entry
  • Low Cost: 1/10th to 1/20th the cost of CCTV or cleaning
  • Validated: EPA Report on Acoustic Inspection & ASTM Standard

Get in touch with us to know more.

For enquries, please email us at: sales@lianshing.com.sg or call us at: +65 6481 5810